Saturday, February 15, 2014

Few more resourceful linux commands

Delete a user :

sudo deluser username

If you would like to detach a user from a group:

sudo usermod groupname username (or)

sudo deluser username groupname

Kill all the processes of a user:
login to that particular user node, then,

sudo killall -9 username 

remove all the files and folder in a directory:
 sudo rm -rf folder/*


to remove the directory itself, skip the '*' (i.e)

sudo rm -rf folder/

- Occasional updater

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Information Sharing 11/2/2014


websites for tech news

embedded code optimization:

 -----WEIRD---- -----WEIRD----

These are the just the entrance to the arcade. Check them out and explore the web of opportunities and never ending tech-replenishment.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

1/2/2014: Book Keeping : Inspired by Sherlock

"by the way its 243 types of tobacco ashes."
People who have seen the Sherlock season 2 episode 3 will know what I am babbling about.

Simplest way of making sure that I am constantly "Mind blogging" as well as properly house keeping is to make the blog more like a storage vault rather than a blog to write trash about what my mind thinks. Obviously no one would want to read what my mind thinks, neither do I. So keeping things more dulcet :

Feb 1/2014: 

Recursive deletion of hidden files in Linux:

$rm -R ./.* 


$sudo rm -R ./.*

works magic.
Will keep book keeping and adding what I have learnt , irrespective of viewer's interest .


Saturday, June 22, 2013

*One-stop-Blog for VLSI, OS, Data Structures and Algorithms*


This blog is aimed at augmenting and showcasing interest in the fields of VLSI, Data Structures and Algorithms and Operating System (Lets Call them "the Trio"). The realization is that these three fields pull strings for almost every application in today's world that is technological. If technological application is a human body, then VLSI is the heart, Data Structures and algorithms form the brain  and Operating Systems forms the nervous, the sensory and the circulatory systems. If you get too deep into similes and metaphors all I can say is that the user is the soul of that human body we were just discussing about.

Blog's mechanism

The blog will communicate the career-centric and other research news on " the Trio"  through ieee paper discussions, geeky videos, magazines (that are available free) and information from the employees of the highly reputed companies - not to worry, no confidential info will be obtained, information like: which specific topic is the hotter one at this time and which one of the trio is the bevy of employment opportunities in those companies. Any and every suggestion/comments from readers are welcome as the discussions are what transform an idea from a brick to a building.


The extrapolation is that this blog can be expected to have the information and a discussion instigator on the topics that mainly focus on the career aspects, the subtopics that are getting nods from the superior scientists as the future of the above told fields and many more. Hopefully this blog will turn out to informative to readers and without slightest doubt, it will be, with the collaboration from the readers. So lets embark on a cruise that journeys through turbulence and breeze till we of reach the treasure island of employment in one of these fields or continue as adventurous researchers and find the lost paradise.